NADCAP Approvals
Offering NADCAP-approved welding services and currently holding 24-month merit status.
Lynn Welding provides NADCAP-approved welding services for most aerospace primes. With 16 NADCAP-approved welders and 18 NADCAP-approved resistance spot welding machines, Lynn Welding has earned an excellent reputation throughout the aerospace community. Known for being the most responsive and transparent aerospace welding company, Lynn Welding employs certified welding inspectors (CWIs), meeting the increasing demands of various aerospace primes.
Each welding service at Lynn Welding is managed by a dedicated department manager. Customers can contact the fusion, resistance, and brazing managers anytime for immediate technical assistance or order status updates.
In 2018, Lynn Welding processed over 160,000 parts for various customers with minimal quality and delivery issues. In the rare event of a delivery or quality issue, department managers are trained to notify customers well before the due date, ensuring an appropriate recovery plan is implemented.
Lynn Welding is currently on Merritt status with NADCAP brazing, indicating robust processes with fewer than two minor findings during typical four-day audits. This status extends the audit cycle, reducing costs for both Lynn Welding and its customers.
View our master list of approvals to view our extensive aerospace and defense certifications.

Lynn Welding Co Inc.
39 Progress Rd Newington, CT 06111
AC7110S - Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Welding, Torch and Induction Brazing, and Additive Manufacturing (to be used on audits on/after 25-Apr-2021)
AC7110/1 Rev H - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Brazing (Torch/Induction) (to be used on audits
on/after 7 August 2016)
Baseline (All audits)
Supplement A – Torch (Additional requirements)
Supplement G – Processes using gas (Additional requirements)
Supplement H – Processes using Flux – (Additional requirements)
AC7110/5 Rev J - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Fusion Welding (to be used on audits on/AFTER
Baseline (All audits)
Supplement D – Titanium (Additional requirements)
Supplement F – Filler Materials (Additional requirements)
Supplement G – Processes using Gas (For example GTAW, PAW) (Additional requirements)
Supplement H – Pre/Interpass Heat Treatment (Additional requirements)
Supplement J – Tack Welding (Additional requirements)
Supplement M – Orbital Tube Welding and Manual / Mechanized / Semi–Automatic Tube Welding
(Additional requirements)
AC7110/5S Rev H - SUPPLEMENTAL AUDIT CRITERIA FOR WELDING For Fusion Welding (to be used on audits BEFORE 13-Aug-2023)
U10 GE Aviation
U11 The Boeing Company
U3 Rolls Royce
checklist is required if the audit includes AC7110/3, /5 or /6)
Baseline (All audits)
Supplement A – Metallographic Evaluation of Qualification Welds (Additional requirements)
AC7110/12S Rev H - Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Welder/Welding Operator
Qualification (This checklist is required if the audit includes AC7110/3, /5 or /6) (to be used on
audits BEFORE 13-Aug-2023)
U1 Honeywell
U10 GE Aviation
U11 The Boeing Company
U3 Rolls Royce
Lynn Welding Co Inc.
75 Rockwell Rd Newington, CT 06111
AC7110 Rev G - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Welding/ Torch and Induction Brazing and Additive Manufacturing (This is required for all Welding / Torch and Induction Brazing and Additive Manufacturing audits) (to be used on audits on/after 25-Apr-2021)
AC7110S - Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Welding, Torch and Induction Brazing, and Additive Manufacturing (to be used on audits on/after 25-Apr-2021)
used on audits on/after 1 March 2020)
Baseline (All audits)
Projection Welding – sheet (identify if this process is used)
Seam Welding – sheet (identify if this process is used)
Seam Welding –foil (identify if this process is used)
Spot Welding – foil (identify if this process is used)
Spot Welding – sheet (identify if this process is used)
Supplement A – Aluminum / Magnesium (Additional requirements)
Supplement B – Shear Testing (Additional requirements)
Supplement F – Metallographic Evaluation of Resistance Welds (Qualification and / or Process
Control) (Additional requirements)
AC7110/4S Rev G - Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Resistance Welding (to be used on
audits BEFORE 13-Aug-2023)
U1 Honeywell
U10 GE Aviation
U11 The Boeing Company
U3 Rolls Royce
Baseline (All audits)
Supplement D – Titanium (Additional requirements)
Supplement F – Filler Materials (Additional requirements)
Supplement G – Processes using Gas (For example GTAW, PAW) (Additional requirements)
Supplement H – Pre/Interpass Heat Treatment (Additional requirements)
Supplement J – Tack Welding (Additional requirements)
Supplement K – Metallographic Evaluation of Qualification Welds (Additional requirements)
be used on audits BEFORE 13-Aug-2023)
U1 Honeywell
U10 GE Aviation
U11 The Boeing Company
U3 Rolls Royce
AC7110/12 Rev F - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Welder/Welding Operator Qualification (This
checklist is required if the audit includes AC7110/3, /5 or /6)
Baseline (All audits)
Supplement A – Metallographic Evaluation of Qualification Welds (Additional requirements)
Qualification (This checklist is required if the audit includes AC7110/3, /5 or /6) (to be used on
audits BEFORE 13-Aug-2023)
U1 Honeywell
U10 GE Aviation
U11 The Boeing Company
U3 Rolls Royce
"I appreciate your attention to detail, and your ability to get our parts through quickly and efficiently. You’ve helped us out with multiple situations."
Tell Us About Your NADCAP Welding Project
To learn more about our NADCAP Welding capabilities and to receive a quote please submit a request below. All requests for quotes will be fulfilled within 24 business hours!